The title says it all: Do we need All In One shops? More commonly known as an 'all in one' or 'aio', it has it's pros and cons, but I believe the cons greatly outweigh the pros. Sure it's convenient when you start out to be able to buy demon elixirs and stuff, but don't you think it's too easy? For the first couple days the aio is really fun and helpful, but once you get some rebirths, you get bored of training and you want something else to do. Like gain mesos and such. But thats the thing; gaining mesos is nearly impossible in our server. The only way is by events and killing monsters for mesos.
'Why do we need mesos if we have everything?' You might ask. It will give people a challenge to look forward to. In turn it will make people stay longer, and lead to a better and bigger community. Which is good for you individually since GM's will host more events, which will make the server even more fun!
The solution: Get rid of the All In One shop. I know it may seem hard at first once it's gone, but there's compensations. Her e's how I propose we work. There can be an NPC that sells level 10, 50, 70, and 110 weapons, along with stars up to tobi's, arrows up to bronze arrows, and bullets up to level 50. A shop system of @shop 1,2,3, etc. can be implemented. First shop will sell the basics: level 0 sword, Onyx Apple, maybe some smegas (not AVI), rocks, boss spawns. Second shop can hold the basic adventurer mounts. Third shop can hold ONLY 10%, 15%. 30%, 60%, 65%, and 70% scrolls.
With this method, I believe we can thrive. You might say, 'But what about the #1 MapleStory private server? They have an All In One Shop!' The thing is, they started out without one. They had no aio for a long time, until their population grew and their economy was stable. Once they had around 500 people online at any given time who voted a lot, (may I note they vote for points, a system which I will probably write about too), they implemented an aio, because with their amount of people constantly voting, it wouldn't matter who left, because more would come back because they are #1.
That's about all I have to say for now. Please comment with your thoughts, since the public should agree to this too before it's done.